Project TABANG participates Enhancement Planning Workshop

The Project TABANG Management Office headed by Project Manager Dr. Tomanda D. Antok together with its unit heads and officers took part in the Enhancement Planning Workshop for the Office of the Chief Minister (OCM) Flagship Programs, conducted and spearheaded by the Support for Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), in partnership with the Technical Management Services (TMS) on 29 July – 02 August 2022 in Davao City.

The activity aims to enhance and develop program implementations of the project, and also to make the participants understand the fundamentals of the program designing and development, and revisit the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of Project TABANG, and was a result of the previously conducted Presentation and Validation of Assessment Findings which was held in General Santos City last July 12-14, 2022.

The assigned SUBATRA Project Consultant Mr. Ahmed Harris R. Pangcoga, presented the result of findings and assessment process, and shared his valuable insights and recommendations for the enhancement of programs and activities, and other dynamics and mechanisms that can bring the project more effective and sufficient in delivering direct services for the Bangsamoro communities in the region.

Mr. Pangcoga also facilitated several workshops and discussed about program development including logical and results framework, distilling lessons learned, and good practices from the implemented and conducted activities of the project management office.