Project TABANG conducts GST to strengthen development advocacy in the Bangsamoro

GENERAL SANTOS CITY —— Project TABANG conducted a training on Gender Sensitivity that attended by its officers and personnel to understand the basic concept of Gender and Development (GAD) Agenda, in ensuring participations of both men and women in strengthening the advocacy on peacebuilding and economic development towards sustainable peace and development in the Bangsamoro region on 18-20 June 2022 at the Venue 88 Hotel and Events Place.

The Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) is an initial effort to show how gender shapes the roles of both men and women in the society, including their role in development, and how it affects relations between them, and it is given to those who are not aware on GAD policies and its implementations.

In attendance, Project Manager Dr. Tomanda D. Antok graced the said activity together with Ms. Cheryl J. Balios as the Resource Speaker, and Ms. Bai-Alliah G. Akmad as the Facilitator.