News Release

News Release

November 30, 2022

Datu Paglas recieved 1,000 10 kilograms of rice bags from Project TABANG

The Municipality of Datu Paglas was severely impacted when Typhoon Paeng struck the Maguindanao region,...
November 30, 2022

Project TABANG extended relief assistance to the affected families and Bangsamoro communities caused by Typhoon Paeng, occured last October 28.

A week before Typhoon Paeng made landfall in Cotabato city, there was a lot of...
October 15, 2022

Project TABANG undergoes seminar workshop: formulation of monitoring and evaluation tools

Personnel from Project TABANG attended the seminar workshop, which aimed to provide understanding of the...
October 15, 2022

TABANG Bangsamoro benefited thousands of Bangsamoro people in the island province of Basilan

With the theme “Bringing the Bangsamoro Government closer to the People”, the Office of the...