The Bangsamoro Government adopts a framework for Project TABANG to ensure that all development efforts are geared towards the attainment of the region’s goal to uplift the lives of the Bangsamoro and establish the foundation of moral governance.
Towards this end, the Bangsamoro Government shall pursue a “community-centered approach” in the delivery of the immediate direct services to reach out to the Bangsamoro people and provide them the basic social services.
The Project TABANG emphasizes a broad partnership with development stakeholders such as the a) Local Government Units (LGUs); b) Offices of the Bangsamoro Government and National Government line agencies; c) Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP); d) Peoples’ Organizations; e) the Philippine National Police; f) GPH and MILF Peace Implementing Panels; g) Local and/or International Aid Organizations; and other essential contributors to meet the immediate basic social services needs of the communities.